Homemade Mayo

When I did my first Whole30 I wasn't super ambitious in my recipes.  I mostly was just trying to keep up with all the cooking and dish washing!  That's one of the negatives to this diet for me since I am not a planner.  I do plan a basic menu in my head for the week but when you need to eat meat and veggies at each meal you have a lot more planning to do!

I don't eat a lot of mayonnaise on a regular basis but I do like an occasional egg salad or chicken salad.  To add some variety to my meals I branched out and made Whole30 compliant mayo.

Want to try it at home?  It's super easy and the mayo tastes great!  The benefits?  No added sugar, soybean oil or preservatives.  Much better for you!

This is from the Whole30 website.  

1 and 1/4 cup olive oil (NOT extra virgin)
1 egg
1/2 tsp mustard powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 to 1 lemon, juiced

Put the egg, 1/4 cup olive oil, mustard and salt in the food processor.  Mix well.  Slowly stream in the rest of the olive oil.  I only used about 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup.  Mix lemon juice in to taste.

Here are some hints from the Whole30 site.

-again, make sure you are using olive oil and not extra virgin olive oil.  You WILL be able to taste a difference and you probably won't like it!

-make sure all of the ingredients are at room temperature

-the slower you pour the thicker your mayo

Check out the Whole30 page for some variations!

I used my mayo to make egg salad and curried chicken salad  Curry is my new favorite spice.  I pretty much use it in everything!

For the chicken salad I just mixed curry powder, garlic powder, cayenne and salt with shredded chicken.  I ate it on top of apple slices (curry and apple together is amazing) and on top of mini sweet peppers.  Quick, easy, healthy and compliant meal!

This recipe makes about a cup to a cup and a half of mayo.


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